The Stack -> in Easiest Way!

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The Stack -> in Easiest Way!

When you want to study Linked-List in a perfect way. Just read these question with the answers.

Here are 11 Questions about Stack.

Question 1: What is a stack data structure? [Done!]

Question 2: What are the two basic operations of a stack? [Done!]

Question 3: What is LIFO? How does it apply to stacks? [Done!]

Question 4: What are some applications of stacks in computer science? [Done!]

Question 5: How can you implement a stack using an array? [Done!]

Question 6: How can you implement a stack using a linked list? [Done!]

Question 7: What is the difference between a stack and a queue? [Done!]

Question 8: What is a recursive call? How do stacks relate to recursive calls? [Done!]

Question 9: What is a stack overflow? How can you prevent it? [Done!]

Question 10: Give an example of a problem that can be solved using a stack. [Done!]

Bonus Question 11: How can you implement a queue using two stacks? [Done!]

Question 12: How can you implement a stack using two queues?

Question 1: What is a stack data structure?

It’s a linear Data Structure in which its [insertion/push and deletion/pop and peek/get] form one-way which is from the Top of the Stack. ->

which translates to [LIFO] and [FILO]

-> LIFO: Last in First out.

-> FILO: First in Last out.

Question 2: What are the two basic operations of a stack?

The two basic operations of a stack are -> Push and Pop

1-Push-> which will Add the Item to the Stack -> to the top of the Stack.

2-Pop-> which will Delete the Item from the Stack -> from the top of the Stack.

Question 3: What is LIFO? How does it apply to stacks?

LIFO is -> Last in First out. This means that the Last element INSERTED will be the First element that will be out First.

Question 4: What are some applications of stacks in computer science?

1-undo/redo in the System and in the Word of Photoshop.

2-Simply Path in Unix Systems.

3-Function calls.


5-Expression evaluation.

Question 5: How can you implement a stack using an array?

When implementing a stack using an Array, it can be inefficient if the stack needs to be resized. [so Important note]

We can implement the Stack using an array with basic operations [Push and Pop]

1-Push-> 1- by incrementing the index of the top element.

2- and storing the new element at that index.

2-Pop-> 1- by decrementing the index of the top element.

2- and return the value stored at that index.


Public void push(Item item)
        a[n++] = item;

Public Item pop ()
        return a[- -n];

-> n => is the size of the Array.

Question 6: How can you implement a stack using a linked list?

The linked list implementation of a stack is less efficient for push and pop operations, but it is more flexible and can handle stacks of any size. [important note].

By to basic operations [Push and Pop]

1-Push-> 1-Crate a new node with the new element.

2- Set the next pointer of the current top node to the new node.

2-Pop-> 1-Set the next pointer of the current top node to the next node.

2- Return the value of the current top node.


From [Algorithms Fourth Edition Book, p149]:

Public void push(Item item)
    Node pastFirst = first; // first is member variable and it’s a Node.
    first = new Node();
    first.item = item; = pastFirst;
    n++; // n -> is the number of the items in Stack.

Public Item pop()
        Item item = first.item;
        first =;
        n- -; // n -> is the number of the items in Stack
        return item;

Question 7: What is the difference between a stack and a queue?

The deque interface is a generalization of the stack and queue data structures, and it can be implemented using two stacks. [important note].

Actually, in some words, Stack and Queue are the same but the differences are in the Name itself and the names of the Methods!

The main difference between Stack and Queue is -> that the

Stack -> Add/remove from the Top.

Queue -> Add from the First, and Remove from the last.

Actually, there is a Deque interface that can implement Add/Remove from both sides, beginning and Ending!

Question 8: What is a recursive call? How do stacks relate to recursive calls?

A recursive call -> is that the Method calls to itself during its execution.

-> Recursion is a programming technique where a function solves a problem by breaking it down into smaller, similar subproblems and calling itself to solve these subproblems. Recursive calls are a fundamental part of recursive algorithms.

Stacks and recursive calls are closely related because they work together to manage the flow of control and data in recursive functions. Here's how they relate:->

Call Stack: In most programming languages, including C++, Java, and Python, a call stack is used to keep track of function calls and their execution. When a function is called, information about the call, including the function's parameters and local variables, is pushed onto the call stack. This is known as a "stack frame." When a function returns, its stack frame is popped from the stack, and the control returns to the calling function.

Question 9: What is a stack overflow? How can you prevent it?

A Stack Overflow -> a stack whose Capacity full and you try to add an Element to the Stack,

So it reports this error “StackOverFlowError”.

Another reason is while using the Recursive Method’’ :

If there are too many nested function calls, or if a recursive function doesn't have a base case to stop the recursion, the call stack can become overloaded.

How to prevent it (ChatGPT) ->

1-Optimize Recursive Functions: If you're using recursion, make sure there's a proper termination condition (a base case) so that the function stops calling itself. This prevents infinite recursion.

2-Iterative Solutions: Convert recursive algorithms to iterative ones when possible. Iterative solutions often use less stack space.

3-Increase Stack Size: You can increase the stack size allocated to your program. However, this is not always a recommended solution because it can lead to other problems and is platform-specific.

4-Tail Recursion: Use tail recursion, where the recursive call is the last operation in the function. Some programming languages and compilers can optimize tail-recursive calls to avoid stack growth.

5-Use Data Structures: In situations where deep function calls are necessary, consider using data structures like queues to manage the state instead of relying solely on the call stack.

Question 10: Give an example of a problem that can be solved using a stack.

The most popular problem that can be solved by Stack is [Valid Parentheses]

Which is -> checking whether the String has parentheses every one has its corresponding parentheses like ‘[‘ the correspond is ‘]’

So it will check [in respect] in the String and see if the Top of the stack is a specific one or not.

Question 11: How can you implement a queue using two stacks?

You can implement Queue using two stacks, by making the first stack hold the elements, and when it comes to pop, then move the first stack to the second stack and then when you dequeue you will dequeue from the Last because the first stack be as Reverse into the second stack,

So the first element added into the first stack will be the last element added into the second stack [which is now at the top],

After Dequeuing from the second move the elements to the first.

and when we want to dequeue we will dequeue the last element added.

and we want to add/enqueue we will do it from the beginning.

This solution is  for time complexity->

Coding-> 1:

The Complexity Time of this Code:

1-Enqueue O(1).

2-Dequeue O(n).

public class Queue_in_TwoStacks<T> extends Vector<T> {

    public DoublyLinkedList<T> list = new DoublyLinkedList<T>();

   private Stack <Integer> stack1;
    private Stack <Integer> stack2;

    public Queue_in_TwoStacks(){
        stack1 = new Stack<Integer>();
        stack2 = new Stack<Integer>();

public void Push(int val){

public int Pop() throws Exception {


        int Popped = stack2.pop();


        return Popped;

public int Peek() throws Exception {


        int Peeked = stack2.peek();


        return  Peeked;

public boolean iisEmpty(){
        return stack1.isEmpty();

    public java.util.Iterator<T> iterator() {
        return list.iterator();

Coding-> 2:

The Complexity Time of this Code:

1-Enqueue O(n).

2-Dequeue O(1).

public void push(int val){





public int pop() {
        return stack1.pop();

public int peek(){
        return stack1.peek();

    public boolean iisEmpty(){
        return stack1.isEmpty();

Question 12: How can you implement a stack using two queues?

public class Stack_in_Queue <T> implements Iterator<T> {

    private Queue<Integer> p;
    private Queue<Integer> s;

    public Stack_in_Queue() {
        p = new LinkedList<>();
        s = new LinkedList<>();

    public void push(int x) {

        while (!p.isEmpty()) {

        Queue<Integer> temp = p;
        p = s;
        s = temp;

    public int pop() {

        if (p.isEmpty()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
        return p.remove();

    public int peek() {
        return p.peek();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return p.isEmpty();

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
        for (int element : p) {
            sb.append(element).append(", ");
        sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1).deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1).append("]");
        return sb.toString();

This is a Stack in Briefly.

Here are 10 other questions about stacks For you to Answer:

1-What is the difference between a balanced stack and an unbalanced stack?

2-How can you implement a stack using a circular array?

3-How can you find the maximum element in a stack in constant time?

4-How can you reverse a stack using another stack?

5-How can you implement a stack using a priority queue?

6-What is the stack overflow error and how can you prevent it?

7-What is the stack underflow error and how can you prevent it?

8-How can you implement a backtracking algorithm using a stack?

9-How can you implement a function call stack using a stack?

10-How can you implement a postfix expression evaluator using a stack?